René Lalique lampe « Entrelacs »

René Lalique lampe « Entrelacs »

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René Lalique lampe de table 1926 signé
R Lalique lamp.
25 centimeters high two bulb set-up with intertwined wide flat geometric rectangle and lines.
Mantel piece lamp Entrelacs in plain moulded-pressed glass with two branches of lights.
Model created in 1926.
Clear glass rectangular style geometric main section supporting a frosted soft ribbed glass 31 cm tall by 21 cm wide intersecting rectangular planks motif Model: 2161 created circa 1926.
Félix Marcilhac, ‘René Lalique 1860-1945′, les Editions de l’Amateur, Paris, 2004, modèle identique reproduit n°2161.

Stands 99, 100, 101, 170 & 171, Allées 1 & 2
+33 (0)6 64 10 07 07

20ème Siècle

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René Lalique lampe "Entrelacs"

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