René Lalique Série de Six Moineaux

René Lalique Série de Six Moineaux

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Set of 6 René Lalique « Moineau » comprising:
-Rene Lalique Paperweight Moineau Coquet: 12 cm long by 9 cm high frosted glass bird figure with tail up and cleaning under its wing with its beak Model: 1165 Circa 1930 12 cm long by 9 cm high
-René Lalique Paperweight Moineau Fier Model: 1149 Circa 1929
-Rene Lalique Paperweight Moineau Hardi: frosted glass bird figure with the tail pointing up and the beak pointing down R. Lalique Paperweight;9.5 cm tall
Model: 1150 Circa 1929.
-Rene Lalique Paperweight Moineau Moqueur: bird figure in clear and frosted glass 8,5 cm tall model 1167 circa 1930
-Rene Lalique Paperweight Moineau Sournois:glass bird figure with the beak pointing down and the tail parallel to the ground 6X13 cm
model 1166 circa 1930
-Rene Lalique Paperweight Moineau Timide: model 1150 circa 1930 clear and frosted glass bird posed as if eating from the ground ;7X13 cm

Stands 99, 100, 101, 170 & 171, Allées 1 & 2
+33 (0)6 64 10 07 07

Autre Style


20ème Siècle

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